Viraj is usually tinkering with hardware and software. Always looking towards working at the intersection of new, exciting and stressful.

His research focused on disaggregated database systems, tuning LSM-KVS, cutting edge hardware devices (SMR, ZNS), and integration of modern AI techniques in database systems.


Can Modern LLMs Tune and Configure LSM-based Key-Value Stores?
Viraj Thakkar, Madhumitha Sukumar, Jiaxin Dai, Kaushiki Singh, Zhichao Cao
ACM HotStorage 2024   ·   08 Jul 2024   ·
CaaS-LSM: Compaction-as-a-Service for LSM-based Key-Value Stores in Storage Disaggregated Infrastructure
Qiaolin Yu, Chang Guo, Jay Zhuang, Viraj Thakkar, Jianguo Wang, Zhichao Cao
ACM SIGMOD 2024   ·   30 May 2024   ·